Greetings from Denver
My name is Kibnesh Herano. I’m a fourth year student majoring in Social Work. Wartburg West has been an exciting experience! I love the weather, the diverse population, and almost everything except the noise of the ambulances and fire trucks. They wake me up once in a while.
My placement is at Lutheran Family Services (LFS). LFS is a resettlement agency that provides service to refugees, Asylees, victim of human trafficking, and secondary migrants. Refugees are people that have fled their country due to a “well-founded fear of persecution on the basis of race, religion, nationality, or membership in a particular social or political group”
One word to describe my agency is diverse. LFS has served people from over 40 countries. The largest arriving population groups are from Bhutan, Burma, and Iraq. Some of the service the agency provides include, housing assistance, case management, employment search assistance, legal and immigration advice. At LFS I work as the case management, which means advocating and supporting refugees as they navigate the new systems in the U.S.
I work eight hours a day except Thursdays so most of the time am exhausted during the week but when I have time I enjoy going out to eat and visiting different places. One exciting thing about Wartburg West is the different activities we were able to choose to do with Wartburg West Alumni. I was able to go for an afternoon tea at the Brown Palace, which is a luxurious hotel in downtown Denver. An interesting fact I learnt about the Brown Palace was that it hosted every U.S. president since Teddy Roosevelt, with the exception of Calvin Coolidge. Also I will be having a tour of the Celestial Seasonings factory next weekend with other students and two alumni.
Over all Denver is great and I am not missing Waverly yet!
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