Monday, October 22, 2012

Taize Worship Service – Nicole Hanson

The Taize worship service is a service that began in France, with participants seeking silence, prayer and music.  It is a service for reflection and thoughts.  I went to this service at St. Paul Lutheran Church with a group of other Wartburg West students and several members of the Urban Servant Corps.  We actually had a dinner with all of us, and then when the USC told us about the Taize worship service, several of us decided to join them.  It was a wonderful experience.  They “hymns” were more chant style, with only two phrases repeated until the words began to sink into us.  The prayers were call and response or silent.  The readings were read in French, German, and English, which lent itself to a whole community feel very nicely.  A number of the songs were also sung in French, German, and Latin, with the English translation written, and sometimes sung as well.  I think the most moving part of the service was the instrumental break after the readings.  Worshipers could choose to pray where they were, or light a candle in front of the cross and pray there.  This lasted for only ten minutes or so, but it was highly moving, and I think we should incorporate more time for silent reflection into our worships on a regular basis.  With the world so fast paced, we often don’t have time to pray quietly, or if we do, we do all the talking.  In a deliberate setting like that, it was easier to get everything off my chest, and then have an opportunity to just let God be, without needing to say anything. 

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