Wednesday, July 16, 2014

In Denver Once Again - Nicole Mittelstadt

I am so happy to be back in Denver! I participated in the Wartburg West program a couple years ago as a sophomore, and I loved it so much that I decided to return.  It has been a totally different experience.  We live in different apartments in a different part of the city, I have a much different internship, and I have much more time to do exploring since I'm not taking any classes.  I am having such a great time; it is going to be very difficult to have to go back to Waverly for another year!

I am also the the Community Advisor and Hospitality Coordinator for the term.  This basically means that that I help plan events for the students, make sure everyone is safe, keep track of guests, and be the go-to person if anything happens.  I have really enjoyed my experience in the position so far.  There is so much to do out here that I never have trouble finding activities, events, or festivals.  I try to plan a potluck every other week where we get together as a big group, eat great food, and chat about our experiences.  We have a great group for the summer. Everyone is staying busy and always doing something exciting.

This summer I am interning at a marketing research company called iModerate.  They have one-on-one online conversations with consumers to collect qualitative data.  They get deeper insights by actually talking directly with consumers rather than getting flat information from a survey. They have some really big clients including McDonald's, John Deere, Whirlpool, Kraft, and many others.  I have gotten the opportunity to sit in on several meetings with clients throughout the process. I really enjoy reading the final reports to get a greater understanding about how these conversations influence what the client does.  I've been able to rotate around different departments in the company so I have gained a wider understanding about the marketing research industry and how I can fit in. I am very interested in working in marketing research after graduation. 

I have kept myself very busy this summer.  I attend a free yoga class in Civic Center Park every Monday, run a 5K with a running club every Tuesday, hiked multiple trails, checked out a couple museums, attended a symphony concert, explored downtown, watched a parade, gone to some festivals, toured a candy factory and the Coors Brewery, and gone to two Rockies games just to mention a few.  I have made many friends and many memories.  This is a summer I will never forget. 

I haven't been keeping my own blog this summer, but when I was in Denver as a sophomore I blogged a couple times a week.  If you are interested in learning more about me and my other Denver opportunities, check out my blog about the Wartburg West Sophomore Experience. (

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