The day I turned 16 (just kidding, I failed my first license
test) I was super pumped to inherit my parents’ 2000 Saturn station wagon. Ever
since that point, I have relied greatly on a car as my main mode of
transportation, until I came to Denver. I decided to not bring my car for my
semester at Wartburg West as I was going to force myself to really immerse
myself into the urban lifestyle. My organization where I am completing my
senior social work practicum is about five miles from the Wartburg West
apartments, about 20 minutes by bus.
Public transportation is not new to me as I grew up
occasionally riding the light rail around my home cities, St. Paul and
Minneapolis; however, I am now using it as my daily form of transportation around
Denver and I love it! Not only is public transportation economically efficient
and sustainable, but it also has its own culture and provides its riders with
human interaction. Bus culture is like nothing I have ever experienced before.
Every age, race, ethnicity, and language is present on the bus…making people
watching extremely entertaining and educational. It also acts as its own
community; others will watch out for and help those on their bus. For instance,
last week on my ride home from a local grocery store I was carrying more bags
than I probably should have been. An older male saw me struggling as I was
getting on the bus so he walked up to the front and asked if I needed help with
my bags. I accepted his help as he carried my bags to an open seat on the bus
and set them down.
Both Nelson and Bonita Bock are appreciative when students
use public transportation as those who drive cars have less chances of human
interaction. While riding the bus, I never wear my headphones with the hopes
that someone will sit near me so that I can strike up a conversation. In some
instances, people do not want to chit chat but in most cases, people on the bus
love to have conversations with those close by. The things that I have learned
from and about the people I have conversed with give me an insight into what
their lives in urban Denver are like…and I have learned many things that I
could live without knowing.
Future Wartburg Westers, I challenge you to come to Denver
with no car or if you absolutely need to bring it that you use public
transportation as much as possible.
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