Monday, February 12, 2018

Andrea Leisinger: "Great things never come from comfort zones"

It was February of my junior year and I had put off the Wartburg West application for quite some time. For those of you who know me, know that I am very family oriented. Every chance I have, I spend it with my family. So, I kept putting the application off because I didn’t want to leave Wartburg, family, friends, and everything I knew, behind, for four months. About a week before the deadline, my parents and I were talking about all the opportunities and connections that I would have if I applied, so I did it. I applied.

The first semester of my senior year flew by and suddenly it was Christmas break and I was packing up my belongings to move 12 hours away. The weeks leading up to my departure were bittersweet. I had never lived more than 15 minutes away from home before, so to say I was a little nervous was an understatement. It was January 2, 2018 and while my dad was packing up the rental car, I was inside balling my eyes out saying goodbye to my golden retriever pup, Murphy (I know, pathetic, right?). I then hugged my mom and my brother, told them I’d see them in a couple months, and we left. The trip was long, especially when we drove through Nebraska, but I kept telling myself, “great things never come from comfort zones."

Fast forward to now, February 3, 2018. I’m sitting in my apartment writing my first blog post, thanking myself that I took that step outside my comfort zone and applied to Wartburg West. I started my senior social work placement at Mount Saint Vincent (MSV) on January 5th and one month into it, I can proudly say that I want to pursue a career in school social work. Every day, I work with kids who have been neglected, traumatized, or abused in some way, and as a result, face serious behavioral and emotional challenges. Although some days are tougher than others, the kids at Mount Saint Vincent have found a special place in my heart and I thank God, every single day for the opportunity to be a light to the kiddos at MSV.

Looking back, I’m so happy that I took the risk and made that step outside of my comfort zone. Sure, it was scary and I had doubts, but if it wasn’t for that step, if it wasn’t for the people who encouraged and supported me, I would have never found my calling. While living in Denver, I have felt lonely, scared, unsure, and have had doubts. But, I’ve also felt a lot of love, kindness, support, and happiness. As a reminder of God’s goodness, I have Psalm 46:5 posted above my bed. God is within her, she will not fall. After reading this, I hope you feel encouraged to take the risk and take that first step outside of your comfort zone because once you do, God will bless you abundantly.

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