Monday, August 10, 2015

Alyssa Kozak Shares Her Denver Experience

Hello from Wartburg West! My name is Alyssa Kozak and I will be a 3rd year majoring in journalism and multimedia. This is the start of the 9th week here in Denver and man has the summer flown by! Most all of the other Wartburg West people left over the weekend so there is about 10 of us left. It is pretty quiet in the halls! So I bet you are wondering where I am interning? Well, I have two internships that I am working at and they are now partners in work.

For the first four weeks, I was strictly at Colorado Public Television Station or CPT12 everyday except for Tuesdays. It was hard to find things to keep me busy and I was missing out on a lot of practice with my video work so I talked to all my supervisors (Bonita, Dominic at CPT12 and Travis Bockenstedt at Wartburg) to see what else I could do. Luckily, there is a Wartburg production company called FourthWall Productions that was started by Travis and some alumni. I took the opportunity to join this team and help with a documentary on a local band here in Denver. I also get to help with their clients and making different videos. For the last three weeks and two weeks to come, I split my time between both places, three days at FourthWall and two days at CPT12. I even am creating a promo video for a podcast for CPT12 to hopefully broadcast! And as for the partnership between the two places of work, hopefully FourthWall will create some content that CPT12 will be able to broadcast. Maybe even the documentary that I am working on! Great things have happened this summer through my internship and I am glad I reached out to FourthWall Productions to help them get their foot in the door at CPT12. And I almost forgot to tell you that at CPT12 I get to help produce the show and get to help with graphics or a camera every Friday. It has been a great learning experience at both places. 

As you can see, I have been pretty busy with all of my work at my internship sites, but I have also had time to enjoy the great city of Denver and all of Colorado. Since I have a car here, a group of us went out and hiked at different places around Colorado. We went to the most beautiful lake I have ever seen called "Hanging Lake" and it is wonderful. (Pictures below) We went to different attractions and famous hikes and what a view. When they say "the view is breath-taking!" they really mean "by the time you get to the top you will be so out of breath from the journey but look at that view!" trust me, I know this feeling. Another girl and I were the caboose each time of our hiking trip, like I mean we were a good hour behind the rest of the group each time because we walk slow and take in everything, but we didn't care because it was worth it. We also got to meet people from all over the world like South Africa who was hiking barefoot!

Not only have we hiked a lot, we also went to some great concerts like Ed Sheeran, Meghan Trainor and Lady A. Those concerts were awesome and we met a lot of cool people each time! This week, I am attending the Kelly Clarkson concert and I am pumped! It will be awesome because who doesn't love Kelly? I also attending the Move Live tour with Derek and Julianne Hough from Dancing With The Stars. I loved it so much because I was in dance for 13 years and love to watch it!

To end my post, I just wanted to thank everyone who made this trip amazing! Thank you to Wartburg for giving us small town college kids the experience of a lifetime living in Denver! Thank you to Bonita and Nelson for being in charge of finding the internships because I know it is not easy as I am now looking for another internship. Thank you to Jack and Marietta Schemmel for all that you do and getting to know us students. Also, they gave us Rockie Tickets with a great view! This summer was one of the best that I have ever had and I am glad that I took the opportunity to come out here for this adventure. Luckily, my brother Alex gets to come out for the last week I am here and experience some white water rafting with me. :)

That's all from me! Please stay tuned to KnightVision to catch me and my fellow friends giving you the news and sports from the Cedar Valley! 

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